Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Anglican Church and the Monarchy

Religion was an ongoing cause of issues in history, and the Church of England was no exception. Issues with the monarchy ruling the church in Britain was the reason for many debates, wars, civil issues and rights to the throne. Initially the Church was under Papal rule, making the Pope have control over something the Throne did not. Hunger for power in the sixteenth century was not limited to land control and civil control; it spread right up to the Church of England causing many problems for the monarchy and Papal authority.The argument during this time was whether or not the monarch had the right to rule church and state, or if the church was meant to be run by Papal authority. The Church of England has a deep history going back to the Roman Empire. An invasion in Britain in the fifth century by pagan Angles, Saxons and Jutes caused the Church to lose its organization. Missionary work in the 6th Century by Pope Gregory the Great, led by St Augustine of Canterbury led to the eventua l combination of three forms of Christianity.The new Church of England amalgamated the Roman tradition of St Augustine, the old Romano-British church and the Celtic traditions from Scotland. As a result of this new formation the influence of the Church was wider spread and more organized. Traditions assimilated with the Western Christians such as liturgy, theology and church architecture. All of this also meant that until the sixteenth century the Church of England was under Papal rule and was considered a branch of the Roman Catholic Church.The Protestant Reformation began in 1517 when Martin Luther published his Ninety Five Theses. They opposed the Catholic Churches doctrines and stated that the teachings and sales of indulgences and the abuses of them showed corruption in the religion. This was the jumping off point for many people questioning the Catholic Church. In the sixteenth century the English monarchy began to question the fact that their church was still following the au thority of the Pope. A main factor in this questioning came from King Henry VIII.Henry wanted his marriage to Catherine annulled, and his marriage would normally be illegal under church law because Catherine was the widow of his brother, but it had been allowed by special consideration from the Pope. Henry claimed that the Papal consideration contradicted church law and therefore the marriage was not legal. The pope upheld his choice and refused to annul the marriage. The underlying cause was the fact that many believed that the authority of the church should belong to the English monarchy not the Pope.Henry broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and declared himself the head of the Church of England (1534), removing the church from the authority of the Pope. During this time Henry also forced the Dissolution of the Monasteries, this was viewed as suppressing the catholic faith. He also started statutes, such as, Statute in Restraint of Appeals, 1533, various Acts of Succession 1 533-36, and the first Act of Supremacy in 1536. These acts all dealt with the relationship between the King and the Pope and how the Church of England should be structured.Henry’s belief in the independence of the Church was the dominant influence in making religious policy. Those who still worshipped Catholic rites during Henry’s rule were quietly moved into secrecy. Henry’s son Edward VI further reformed the church by saying that the Protestant Reformation was more like what the Bible’s teachings meant than that of the Pope. Edward was very young when he was in power so most decisions were ultimately decided by a regency council who were mostly Protestant, so of course the decision was made to keep the church under monarch rule.Edward was the first King who had been raised Protestant even though he was only nine when he was crowned his council did allow him to make decisions. By the age of eleven he had already written a treatise on the Pope as Antichri st and made educated notes on theological controversies. Edward wanted to keep the Church of England Protestant rather than Catholic so instead of allowing his half sister Mary to take the throne upon his death he left the crown to Lady Jane Grey. She was only on the throne for nine days before being imprisoned after the council changed sides declaring Mary Queen.During the reign of Mary Tudor (Henry’s daughter) the Church returned to the Pope’s authority. Throughout her father’s and her half brother’s reign Mary had remained loyal to the Roman Catholic faith, she had even asked for a private chapel to worship in since everyone else in the family worshiped under the Church of England. Mary’s change in the Church did not last long when in 1558 Elizabeth I became Queen, and made the Church of England essentially what it is to this day. She removed it from the Pope’s authority, but she kept the catholic creeds, the architecture and aspects of t he catholic liturgy.While keeping aspects of the Catholic Church she also incorporated Protestant insights of theology and the general shape of its liturgical practices. In the seventeenth century the Church of England had another crisis; tensions over theological and liturgical issues were part of the reasons that led to the English Civil War. From 1649-1660 the Church of England’s bishops were abolished and the Book of Common Prayer was banned. During this time the church was under Papal rule but when the monarchy was restored in 1660 these decisions were over turned and once again the Church was returned to monarch authority.In 1689 the Toleration Act was passed and Protestantism was legally accepted as long as they followed the doctrine of the Trinity. After this was passed the Church of England became the mother church of the Anglican Communion. One of the main arguments throughout the formation of the Church of England was whether or not the monarchy had the right to de cide how the church should be run, or if the church is meant to be run by the Pope. Most believed that since the Pope was not politically affiliated with anyone, it made him impartial and made his rule of the church more pure.He was the representative of God therefore he could settle doctrinal disputes and help spread Christianity without influence from political leaders. Pope Paul III formed the Council of Trent (1545-49) which made the Papacy have power over rulers who wanted to reconcile with Protestants and who were opposed to Papal claims. The monarchy was too powerful and eventually the Papal authority had to bring their focus to spiritual issues as opposed to trying to get secular power (It was not until 1929 that the Lateran Treaty was passed that guaranteed papal independence from secular rule).When the English monarchy declared that the Pope was corrupt and Antichrist they pulled the Church of England out from under papal rule. The throne holds complete political authority in its own state, but the argument of whether this authority crosses over to religion as well was ongoing for many years. Henry VIII makes it easier for himself by having Parliament pass an act appointing him and his successors the head of the Church of England so that they could rule the church whatever way they please. This act caused more problems than solved because now every time the throne was changed the church was changed.The political side of the monarch caused more problems as well. By having political affiliations the monarchs chose rules of the church to follow that suited their political alliances. Affiliations with Scotland made them include Scottish traditions into the Church of England, but bad blood between the British and the Irish made them turn the church away from Catholicism even more. There are arguments that the fact that the Irish worshiped under Papal rule it made the tensions between Britain and Ireland worse.The relationship between France and England wa s even worse; Henry VIII went to war with France three times during his reign. The national religion of France was Catholicism and during this time though there was a large Protestant following, they were greatly persecuted. This was a major contributing factor to these wars; with France under Papal rule and the Protestants being persecuted the British monarchy was livid, giving them plenty of cause to declare war. During this time Henry declared France to be Britain’s number one enemy. When Elizabeth was in power the hostility towards Catholics was increased.While she was not as intense as Henry she did ban mass and other Catholic practices, and also made her Parliament swear an oath of supremacy threatening the charge of treason to anyone who refused. This threat made many Catholics run from England to avoid persecution. Many of these people were writers and went against Protestantism and implied that the Papal authority was superior, but also tried to not anger their Queen in their writings. This showed how the people were expressing their unhappiness in the choices made for them in religious aspects, but they still respected and honored their monarch.Elizabeth’s main fear was that the brash Catholics would attempt to have her taken out of power. Elizabeth’s fear was so profound that in 1571 she passed The Treason Act which made it high treason to say that Elizabeth was not the true monarch. It also made it illegal to say that she was heretic, tyrant, infidel or usurper. This Act made catholic’s even angrier and made them criticize Elizabeth even more. These criticisms towards Elizabeth made her worries of being de-throned more relevant because now Catholic followers were trying to defend Mary Stuart’s right to the English throne.They claimed that Elizabeth caused tensions in foreign affairs because of her focus on religion. At the same time all of these writings that criticize Elizabeth’s choices for religion, they still spoke kindly of her as a person and a Queen in other aspects. Most respected her as a Queen but condemned her choices towards the Church of England. During this time many Catholic writers from France also condemned Elizabeth’s choices showing that the tensions between Britain and France were still very much active in her reign as in Henry’s.The monarchies strive for complete power in the sixteenth century did them more harm than good. Instead of gaining the trust and fellowship of their people, they caused war, tensions, and general unrest among most of their people. With debates between the Papal authorities, who at the time the people viewed as a direct line to God, and the monarch caused distrust for the people against their leaders. With no right to their own choices in religion people that went against the crown were exiled, imprisoned, or worse, executed for their thoughts and beliefs.With most of Britain being raised Catholic during this time a sudden swi tch by Henry VIII because of his unhappiness seemed ungodly. The choice to remove the church from the Papal authority was viewed as blasphemous, and it made the people view their King in a different light. Most of Britain lost faith in their Crown during these Reformations because of unorganized systems, and a constant change between monarch authority and Papal rule. Tensions between Britain and neighboring Countries did not help the monarch’s relationship with their people either, as much of the cause of these tensions was from the monarch persecuting Catholics.The goal of total power over the people, land and neighboring Countries by the monarch was not a success because there was no consistency in the way they chose to run their Parliament, church and state. The monarch may have believed that they had the right to run their church, but realistically the political affiliations and personal wants caused more destruction than if they had allowed a more pure source to lead and make decisions for the church. Ultimately relationships in Western Europe could have drastically changed if the Church of England had remained under Papal authority.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Environmental scanning Essay

â€Å"How can you govern a country which has 245 varieties of cheese? † Charles de Gaulle. This is a term that Francis Aguilar a professor at the University of Harvard came up with in the mid 1960’s to explain the actions of collecting information and watching and monitoring competitor companies and analyzing the external markets. According to Mafrica and Mason (2004), an environmental scan is part of strategic analysis process that has components of both external and internal elements. It is also good to note that all these components and elements interrelate. Basically organizations and companies use environmental scans to project on the future directions, objectives, and both long term and short term trends that will influence the organizations performance. Environmental scans are usually used in product development, market research and competition analysis as a company is planning, expanding or thinking of diversifying its operations portfolio. The below diagram shows the interrelation of the environmental scan to the SWOT analysis of an organization. b. What elements comprise an environmental scan? The elements of an environmental scan include both internal analysis and external analysis which culminate in a SWOT analysis of the organization. Both internal and external analysis are interrelated. In most of the situations organizations take environmental scans to only involve the external analysis (Albright, 2004). But for it to be comprehensive and conclusive enough it has to involve both internal and external analysis. Internal analysis includes an analysis of the internal structures of the company, its policies and operations, employees and abilities while External analysis includes concepts such as the macro economic environment of the area in which the company operates. This includes the government, legislation policies, technology, socio-cultural trends, and shareholders. c. What are eight (8) current socio – cultural trends in the United States that are transforming North America and the rest of the world today? The eight socio-cultural trends in the United states that are transforming North America and the rest of the world today include the following:- Religious affiliations and militant religious movements Consumerism, Environmentalism, Diet and nutrition Housing Social movements, roles of government, family, and collectivism. Materialism Demographics like population size, ethnic origins, education levels, income levels. d. What four (4) questions should the scan answer? The scan should be able to answer trends or projection towards changes in consumerism, which will help an organization in diversifying its products and get to know spending habits of the target market and population (Wheelen & Hunger, 2008). Environmentalism which will help the organization to formulate its public relations policy more so as regards corporate social responsibility, social movements and roles of government, family and collectivism which influences public opinion and public habits, and Demographics that help establish incomes and disposable incomes of the populations, projected population growth, education levels and backgrounds of the target area of expansion or of operation that will help an organization to redefine its operations and strategies. Bibliography Albright. K. (2004, May/June). Environmental scanning: Radar for success. Information Management Journal, 3(38), 38-44. Mafrica. L. & Mason. M. (2003, January). From scan to plan. Association Management, article 14 of 270. Wheelen. T. L. & Hunger. J. D. (2008). Strategic management and business policy (11th Ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Monday, July 29, 2019

I just need a one page summary on an argument Essay

I just need a one page summary on an argument - Essay Example They hold that decisions made by individuals in their health are binding in the case they become terminally ill or incapacitated. For this reason, they support practices of advance directives, arguing that they do not pose any risks to patients (Levine, 2009). This further implies that advance directives do not in any way limit rights of patients. Patients have choices to make; meaning that those that do not wish to document their wishes at a time they are incapacitated can refrain from doing so. Arguments against advance directives hold that patients at their health may lack adequate information about advance directives, and they may, therefore, make hasty decisions without necessarily knowing how they would react in an incapacitation situation. In such a circumstance, patients’ autonomy in the context of advance directives is questioned. However, Steven Luttrell and Ann Sommerville argue that patients and people in general always make decisions without necessarily having adequate information about a situation. On the same note, judgment is used where experience lacks. Fundamentally, the directive cannot be implemented if the patient in his or her terminal illness changes his or her mind on earlier filed advance

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic - Essay Example Prior to the transition to the Turkish Republic, the old Ottoman Empire embarked on a series of reforms to â€Å"save† the old Ottoman Empire through the efforts of Selim III, Mahmud II, Abdulaziz and Abdulhamit II that hoped to reverse its decline. These men were called the Men of Tanzimat or men of reform in their effort to reverse the decline of the old Ottoman Empire. The efforts to reform the old Ottoman Empire that hoped to reverse its decline included military reform during the time of Selim to improving the educational system and bureaucratic reform in the hope of restoring the glory of the empire. When these reform efforts still failed, the last Ottoman caliph Abdulhammit II resorted to an autocratic rule and adopted religious ideology in his hope to unify and reverse the decline of the old Ottoman Empire. But instead of reversing the decline, Abdulhammit II instead set the conditions for the inevitable fall of the old Ottoman Empire with his lavish lifestyle that dra gged the empire into bankruptcy and was eventually deposed in 1909. The final nail on the coffin of the old empire’s demise was when the old Ottoman Empire sided with Germany in the First World War where the country was divided into pieces to become Turkey that it is today. This change to a Republic political life was not a conscious choice of the old Ottoman Empire as it always struggles to maintain the caliphate political system embarking on a series of reform from rehabilitating its military to improving its educational system and bureaucracy but it was already too late. Not even the adoption of a western concept of a Constitution saved the empire from disintegration. In sum, the old Ottoman Empire was forced by both by internal (bankruptcy, ineffective bureaucracy) and external (siding with Germany who lost in the First World War I) circumstances to change and adapt with the modern world.   The strong western ideology had also influenced the old empire to adapt to moder nity and along with it, is the abandonment of caliphate political system and autocratic form of government to constitution based republic form of government.   Despite these changes in Turkey’s political life and structure, the old traces of the former Ottoman ideology can still be found in modern Turkey.   Among this Ottoman ideology that remained in Turkey and in the Middle East is the strong sense of Islamic nationalism which used to bind and unify Turkey before.   Its sense of the greatness of being a great empire did not diminish with present Turkey as it is considered as one of the progressive countries in the Middle East and in the world albeit it is only a fraction of its former might when the former Ottoman Empire was at its height.      

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Student-athletes should be paid a salary by the university Essay

Student-athletes should be paid a salary by the university - Essay Example Northwestern University has had it football players form unions that may assist them in getting a share of the proceeds of their games (TEB 1). This paper will take a look at some of the sports that students engage in, and if it is fair for the students to get a share of the proceeds. American football is one common sport in the United States that allows the not-so privileged students to get scholarships and attend classes in various institutions. This means that already they are getting benefits from the school that would not have otherwise been accorded to other less privileged children. This, however, does not mean that the school should take advantage of the needs of such students and exploit their talents in a bid to make profits. NCAA has been accused of legislating that athletes should not get any form of compensation apart from the scholarships they are already getting. It is my believing that playing sports in college is like a full-time job where students work, but receive no benefits for their efforts (TEB 1). The deals that most institutions get for their athletes can tumble into millions of dollars, yet most athletes do not get to see a dime of this money. It is also as I see that athletes who participate in games such as football need compensating for their activities. This is unless they end up demoralized and looking for alternatives to suit needs while going school. The NCAA has come up with reasons against compensating athletes claiming that it will ultimately lead to the disrespect and compromise of the beautiful concept of school competitions. This might be deemed as hypocritical because they are the ones making a killing out of students who give it their all to perform for their institutions without expecting or demanding for much in return. I believe that every student can be compensated based

Friday, July 26, 2019

Effect of Culture on Expatriates Work Performance in the Hospitality Research Paper

Effect of Culture on Expatriates Work Performance in the Hospitality Industry - Research Paper Example It is important to learn about the various cultures that are represented in the workplace and in the business environment before engaging in business in foreign countries as suggested by Cardy (2007). This is the case considering that it helps in reducing the risk of failure. Understanding other people’s and countries’ communication styles, social events, dress codes, greetings, and negotiation tactics are very important in fostering positive relationships with persons from foreign countries and cultures. In the hospitality industry like in any other economic sector, individuals and organizations are bound to encounter people from foreign environments. Foreigners come in the form of customers, suppliers and expatriates. Expatriates in the course of their work re expected to maintain high performance standards for the good of the companies for which they work and to warrant the high pay they receive. They are in effect expected to be role models and provide direction to local workers. As they work in foreign environments, expatriates encounter a number of challenges. One of the main challenges that they experience is dealing with people from various cultural backgrounds. In as much as they enjoy working in such environments, there is a possibility that the changes that they encounter and the unfamiliar environment may impact on their performance at work. Statement of the Problem In spite of the existence of literature related to the effects of cultural differences in the area of multicultural environments and work performance, very little study has been conducted with respect to the hotel industry. This is study is focused on finding out the effects of culture and cultural differences on expatriates’ work performance in the hospitality industry. Significance of the Study The results of this study will be very valuable to expatriates in their endeavor to succeed in the foreign environments in which they work. Based on the results of this stud y, management of hospitality industries and especially the human resource manager can come up with better ways ensuring that the expatriate fits in well in the company within the shortest duration and achieve high output as is always the desire of every business. Objectives Main Objective 1. To establish the effect of culture on expatriates’ work performance in the hospitality industry Specific objectives 1. To establish to the existence of expatriates in xxx city hotels and restaurants 2. To determine the challenges posed to expatriates at work as a result of cultural factors 3. To establish the performance of hotels and restaurants that are managed by expatriates 4. To establish the correlation between expatriate work performance and cultural differences with locals. Literature Review Expatriates and Work Performance An expatriate is an individual who resides in a foreign country and culture. However, in business terms, an expatriate is a professional sent by an organizatio n to work in a foreign country as opposed to staff who is locally employed. In many cases, expatriates are sent to work for subsidiaries of an organization or to work at it headquarters. Expatriates help businesses with a global presence to manage global structures and liaise with external partners and provide quality services to customers (Beaverstock, Derudder, Faulconbridge and Witlox (2009). According to Lee (2008), taking a foreign duty affects an individual’s professional and personal life. Such assignments subject expatriates to factors that prove stress such as ambiguity and uncertainty. Three main factors determine the success of expatriates in their work. These factors are communication ability, relation ability

Change management - ITIL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Change management - ITIL - Essay Example ITIL or IT Infrastructural Library is an approach of best practices that adds value to the existing mechanisms of internal control and external exigencies like optimization of customer service and help foster vital linkages with business partners. ABC needs this approach broadly for the following reasons: ABC is a business proposition that is focused on the needs of the customers. It constantly needs to be aware of their fast transforming preferences so that it can meet their demands. ITIL would considerably contribute to meeting the challenges of customers’ changing requirements. The IT system is intrinsic part of organizational operations that not only integrates various units but also enhances it operational and administrative productivity and outcome. Thus unapproved changes within the system jeopardize the working and adversely impact on the performance of individuals who may be unaware of the changes and may lack the technical expertise to adapt to the changes without appropriate training on new system. Nutt (1990) believes that delivery of IT services is best served through flexible approach that incorporates the environmental changes and promotes development of goods and services to meet the requirements of customers. With ITIL, ABC would be constantly updated and will be able to apply innovative input to its product and services. Last but not the least important is the fact that ITIL would provide wide scope of improved performance at all levels of managerial and operational efficiency delivered by IT system throughout its lifecycle (Stainberg,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Career Services and Placement are major Components to connect students Lab Report

Career Services and Placement are major Components to connect students between the academic program and the workplace - Lab Report Example One of the key factors is knowing how to market the students. For example, Liberal Arts is such an encompassing major that personnel learned to explain to prospective employers that the students would be highly trained in "communication, teamwork, and critical thinking skills" (189). According to Nell, studies showed that students who mastered these three attributes retained their jobs longer, and were promoted more quickly. This was a salient point for prospective employers. Also, a class was created called Transitions from College to Work, and made mandatory for all upcoming Liberal Arts graduates. The university was pleased with its results, and Nell quoted one official as saying, "We believe that we have illustrated a model for any institution to use, regardless of size, organizational structure, or resources" (192). Most placement departments intend to stay competitive, and use a variety of means to do so. In "Jump-Starting the Job Search," Tricia Bisoux writes that many departments dedicate at least one person "solely to corporate relations" (24). She added that good departments also "increase their travel time and visit companies throughout the year to stay in contact" (24). In "B In "Business Unusual," V. Scott Koerwer and Cherie A. Scricca interviewed employees of Robert H. Smith School of Business. The school was losing ranking in placement of graduates because "our connections were still not deep enough to satisfy our graduates' job expectations" (24). The Smith School decided to join forces with a job search firm to increase placement rates. In "Year Up's Success," Anne Lewis chronicles the help given to students attending Cambridge College. Her take is simple: "A career service manager helps students with job placement, career development, and higher education applications" (7). The program, Year Up, is meeting placement and wage markers since it began in 2000. How Successful Do Placement Programs Have to Be It might bear asking if college students should need so much help securing employment. The general consensus, though, is that students do need the extra attention paid to their post-collegiate success. In "The Flogging of For-Profit Colleges," Richard P. Hassler discusses proprietary institutions, and how the students are seen as customers to be served. Therefore, career services must take on the dual role of serving the customer, as well as employers. Hassler writes, "These departments not only assist graduates and attending students with job placement, but also help current and prospective employers understand the benefit of hiring students from that school," (72). Andreas Walmskey, Rhodri Thomas, and Stephanie Jameson agree. In "Surprise and Sense Making: Undergraduate Placement Experience in SMEs," they write, "Focusing on placement impacts on future career choices," (361) meaning that students are more likely to choose majors that show success in employment. In "Get a Job," Joh n Savarese writes that the most important instructors are the "counselors at the campus's Career Services center" (66). Since it is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Occupational Safety and Health Administration; A case study analyzing Thesis

Occupational Safety and Health Administration; A case study analyzing US workplace illness and injuries. Has OSHA contributed to reduced incidents in the workplace - Thesis Example For government workers, however, the rates are higher with 6.3 cases for every 100 workers. These statistics still indicate an imperative need for improvements to be made in the workplace3. This paper shall evaluate the US workplace illnesses and injuries and shall determine if OSHA has contributed to the reduced incidents in the workplace. This paper shall use statistics and graphs in order to determine the pattern of incidence rates of workplace injuries and fatalities in the United States. Through these statistics, a thorough analysis of the subject matter can hopefully be implemented. In the 1970s, the workplace was a dangerous place to be. At this time, an estimated 14,000 deaths in the workplace in a year were seen; and in 1970 alone about 2.5 million workers became disabled and occupational diseases registered at 300,000 for 1970 alone4. These alarming statistics prompted the United States Congress to enact passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 which then led to the establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The act was passed in order to cover all employees in the United States as well as its colonies. Each state was allowed to develop its own safety plans so long as they were in accord with the provisions of the Act. In 1971, the enforcement of the act began5. During its initial phase, some of the actions and policies of the agency were successful, others were not so successful. Because of limited resources, the agency targeted the protection of workers in a worse-case-first approach; hence, those who were in the most dangerous and most unhealthy workplaces were targeted first6. During its first three years, the agency imposed the implementation of the provisions of the act immediately – August 1971 – instead of using the two year phase period which the law would have allowed7. The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Italian Renaissance Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Italian Renaissance Art - Essay Example Neo-Platonism seeks the existence or relation of the ideal or The One in the human life. This is what renaissance artists such as Botticelli, Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo are trying to depict through allegories in their art. Botticelli, to start with, was one of the early artists to reflect neo-Platonism in his works. He used symbols and figures from pre-Christian beliefs to convey neo-Platonist ideas. Take one of his paintings for example, the Primavera which translates as spring. This painting includes nine figures from Classical mythology. On the center is Venus coupled with Cupid. On their right are Zephyr, Chloris and Flora and on the left are Mercury and the three graces. The figures on the right represent the coming of spring, nature and its beauty. In contrast to that are the figures on the left which represent reason and the pleasures of human life. These are two different points which harmonizes on the center figure. Being a prime mover of neo-Platonism in art, Botticelli’s techniques are yet to be developed. The symbols he portrayed are literal and, for the educated and elite, too obvious. But even at this point he has already defined the essentials for neo-Platonism, the fusion nature and grace. Then came Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael. They both relate ideas in their own way. Leonardo focused on structure and Raphael on evoking emotions. Leonardo is known on our time as an inventor and a scientist, and these qualities can be seen through his art. He was a master of proportions, shading, depth and ways of making his work look â€Å"real†. Even outside of the standard of beauty as long as his work looks alive, for him, achieves the harmony of neo-Platonism. Raphael took it further by involving and evoking emotions through his paintings. He was also interested with philosophy which shows that he is an artist as a scholar. This is seen on School of Athens which shows Plato and Aristotle along with other philosophers. On this painting, Plato is seen pointing heavenward explaining the facts of the universe while Aristotle points downward stating the society and the views of the world. Both of them are supervised by the statues of Apollo and Minerva, ensuring truth and wisdom respectively. Towards the end of the renaissance there came the meeting point of pagan beliefs and the Christian cultures. This was when Michelangelo lived and experienced neo-Platonism as a whole. Not as visual parts nor as philosophical representations but as its entirety. But this also meant the end for neo-Platonism for Michelangelo accepted spirituality towards the end. His representations and the transition can be seen on the paintings on the Sistine chapel. On the earlier paintings like The Creation of Adam, his interest on the beauty and elegance is apparent. His poetry also reflects his belief in the divine origin of beauty. But through time and the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, Michelangelo lost his interest in physical beauty and no longer believed in its representation of spiritual excellence. Later painting shows more Christian representation loosing detail and grace. He eventually fully lost his interest and decided to no longer paint becoming guilty of his love for physical beauty. In a way this was the end of neo-Platonism for Italian renaissance art. 2. The common denominator among Della Francesca, Alberti and Mantegna are their contribution to the perspective aspect of renaissance paintings. Each has professions other than being artist and this variety of expertise made the development possible. Della Francesca, aside from being an artist, was a mathematician. He studied and wrote books which involved arithmetic, algebra and geometry. One of his books is the On Perspective for Painting. He also made innovations on solid or three-dimensional

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Elements of Persuasion Essay Example for Free

The Elements of Persuasion Essay Persuasion cannot be complete without the three main forms of rhetoric (the ethos, logos, and pathos), the basic purpose of the writer or speaker, the approach to the audience, as well as the style of delivery. The word ‘rhetoric’ pertains to â€Å"the art of speaking or writing effectively† (Carl D. Perkins Foundation 2005), and this is fixed in Barack Obama’s 2004 Democratic National Convention Address that was delivered at the Fleet Center of Boston, Massachusetts. With a context centered on Americans hearing the true political mission of the 2004 Democratic Party, the speech’s basic purpose was set mainly on three things: (1) delivering the basic mission and principle of the Democratic Party; (2) persuading voters toward the line of the Democratic Party; and (3) expanding the positive side of Obama and his party for political purposes. He magnificently used the elements of persuasion and influenced millions of American voters by operating the schemes of successful persuasion. Main Body With the speech entitled as ‘The Audacity of Hope’, Obama talks about big dreams and diversity in America through his family background, then about the greatness of America, the beliefs and values of John Kerry, what should be done, the unity of the country, and, lastly, the audacity of hope. In the overall, Obama’s speech can be divided into the following: (1) the greatness of his family line; (2) the greatness of the Americans; (3) the greatness of John Kerry; and (4) unity and hope. He starts with his self, then connects to his family, then to the other Americans, then points to John Kerry for hope and unity. It was organized that way because it points to the literal meaning of ‘unity’ and ‘connection’ that are among his basic themes. It is centered on the argument that, despite war, despair, shattered dreams, and social and economic hardships, there is still the existence of hope, care, and unity, which are what â€Å"makes this country work. It is what allows us to pursue our individual dreams and yet still come together as one American family† (Obama 4). His argument is actually very significant because 21st century has unfolded with national catastrophe, such as wars, economic problems, deficiency of the government’s capacity in truly supporting the needs of the American people†¦ to name only a few. Pertaining to incidents that connect to present occurrences relate to audiences and energize them that, amidst the negativity, there are still much more left that can be the source of American hope and dignity. This talk centered on hope is what Obama could have perceived to be the basic thing Americans would want to hear about. They want to hear why they should trust the Democratic Party, why they should honor the Democratic Party, why they should vote for the Democratic Party. The National Convention Address reflects an audience that need to hear what they most aspire for in their lives. For this reason, Obama used ‘ethos’ that would emotionally touch the hearts of the audience. He established it by, first, trying to convince people that he is no different from the lowly ones and the colored ones (i. e. , his character, sentiments); and, second, by trying to convince people that what he dreams of is no different from what other Americans dream of (i. . , hope, unity, success). This makes the audience feel emotionally attached to the speaker, since what he conveys are things that are personally felt and experienced by the common people in America. As an effect, they are able to relate well to the message that Obama has had for them. As for his logical appeals, Obama made some key points, such as the following: Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our Nation—not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise†¦ that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (Obama 2) This logic appeals to diversity and equality of all men (most precisely the Americans). It points to the right to achieve a sustainable life, as well as happiness and liberty. Another logic is centered on the following lines: â€Å"It is that fundamental belief: I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper that makes this country work. It’s what allows us to pursue our individual dreams and yet still come together as one American family† (Obama 4). This logic conversely appeals to the significance of unity, brotherhood, and how they relate to success and achievement. The two statements appeal to the audience basically because it reminds them that the nation is merely one, and that the greatness of America sprouts from the fact that each one asserts to his brother’s dignity, protection, and custody. Conclusion Rhetorical persuasion refers to delivering a message effectively in order to persuade the audience into acting out a certain decree, deed, or pursuit that would primarily benefit the speaker or writer and, for most of the time, the audience, too, or the reader. Obama’s speech turned out to be really effective to his primary audience basically because the elements of persuasion are arranged in a manner that is apt to its context, its purpose, and its audience. The topics are clear and simple yet captivating, as it captures the heart and soul of those who hear it. Thus, it is evident that writing a persuasive rhetoric does not end up with what the speaker or writer would want to say; it also have something to do with what the audience or readers would want to hear given a specific state of environment. To connect to people, there has to be certain key points or ideas that mentally connect the speaker to the audience through the use of logic, emotion, style, and approach. Thus, the basic purposes are fantastically met.

Scrooge over the two-day period Essay Example for Free

Scrooge over the two-day period Essay The amount of money to the Charity man; he is a changed man. He has a total change in his personality; he even plays a joke on Bob pretending to be miserly and then lights a large fire and helps Tiny Tim. Scrooge loses respect from his colleagues after using most of his money on charities. What picture do we get of Victorian London? We get a vivid description of Victorian London and the customs practiced in London during the 19th Century. Poverty is widespread, being of the middle class is popular and a small population holds the large potion of wealth. Social class dictates life and there is seldom movement within the classes basically everyone is out for themselves. Dickens gives a classical description of the London streets. There was no tinsel, but lots of greenery. All the shops were open until lunchtime on Christmas Day, because servants had to work to prepare Christmas lunch, Bakers, for example, worked a half-day on Christmas day cooking the Goose. From Dickens descriptions it was a strongly Christian society. No one would marry young, it was thought that you had to live life first and then marry. This usually meant older men marrying younger girls. Women were expected to give birth until they died, this meant most women would die during childbirth. From Dickens description he gives the impression that people no longer remembered country customs after moving to the city. When Dickens describes the behaviour and attitude of the people at the time, he is playing with words but giving an interesting insight of life at the time as well; There were great, round, pot-bellied baskets of chestnuts, shaped like waistcoats of jolly old gentlemen, lolling at the doors, and tumbling out into the street in their apoplectic opulence. The city was a contrast; the new buildings went hand in hand with horribly overcrowded slums where conditions were of the poorest standard. Because of the rise in population the basic needs of citizens were put at risk. In 1848, the great Potato Famine struck Ireland, this led to over 100, 000 impoverished Irish fleeing their native land and settled in London, making at one time up to 20% of the total population of the city. London was not a nice place to be in the Victorian period because of the Great Stink. The combination of coal-fired stoves and poor sanitation made the air heavy and foul smelling. For all the economic expansion of the Industrial Revolution, living conditions among Londons poor were appalling. Children as young as five were set to work begging or sweeping chimneys. Dickens himself did much to make the plight of the poor in London known to the liberate classes with his novels, notably Oliver Twist. In 1870, those efforts bore some fruit with the passage of laws providing compulsory education for children between the ages of five and twelve. What does the story reveal about Dickens? Dickens was outgoing, playful and loved to party, much like Fezziwig, the character Dickens created that taught Scrooge how to party. This is shown in his writing, particularly his love for playing with words. Dickens love of playing with words is showing in the last paragraph, He had no further intercourse with spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle. (He meant that Scrooge would no longer drink spirits. ) Dickens writes on a very personal level, he writes the Cratchits family life from his won experience. He is a very physical writer but he also has a childish nature. He makes everything young, for example Scrooges Clerk, which shows his childish outlook. Dickens shows his character through his writing, he likes the absurd and the grotesque. He takes everything to its extreme, piling up sentences and playing with language. Dickens shows his joviality and delight in life through his writing; he also shows that he is very sentimental. He personifies things as much as he can, for example he describes the ice as being Misanthropic Ice and gives Scrooges house a childish nature saying it must have run there when it was a young house, playing hide and seek with other houses. This shows the physicality of his writing and he involves all the senses. Dickens starts the story in a very moral way and continues like this throughout, with the focus being on money, this is getting his message across from the beginning. The reason for this strong message was because of Dickens own background. He lived in poverty (like the Crachits) and he was sent to the blacking factory whilst his family went to the debtors prison. He starts the story with Once upon a time making it feel like a fairy tale but also being very accurate. He has great presence in his writing, he is almost writing a moral fable. He chats with his audience creating a humorous relationship between himself and his audience. Dickens also veers from the main story line and goes into tangents of a philosophical or descriptive nature, which I feel reflects his thoughts while writing the book. He ends the story with a reference to God, God Bless us everyone, this may or may not be a reflection on Dickens believes but it did obviously have some significance otherwise he would not have ended the story in this way. The Moral of the book is Christmas is the symbol of everything that is good. Which is what Dickens wanted to promote, involving his idealisation of Christmas being about children. Dickens changed the meaning of Christmas to what we know it as today. In 1815, Christmas was not an important event for children. Jane Austen writes about a couple going to stay with relatives for Christmas, she obviously saw Christmas as not being an important time for children, which in 1815 it was not. However, Dickens soon changed this and Christmas today is now centred about children, which is what Dickens wanted to achieve.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dead Poets Society Analysis

Dead Poets Society Analysis The report is a work assigned to deal with the reflection of the movie Dead Poets Society. These couples of pages are based on the organizational culture and different groupings of the boarding school in this movie. Finally evaluate culture of the school and identified group which influence each other and linked to each other. Dead Poets Society presents a representation of an English teacher that is curiously inspiring and at the same time disturbing. This is the story of students as the respected Welton Academy. The plot centers on the influence of Mr. Keating, a young and exciting English and poetry teacher who is determined to teach his students to live life with absolute passion. Mr. Keating was moved his students to a love of poetry and learning that transcends their otherwise structured and controlled academic existence. He perhaps crosses boundaries that probably should not be crossed by someone in a position of authority and respect. This movie is about what happens when these students decide to pursue their own desires and to live life with the passion that Mr. Keating encouraged. Actually it is about what happens when a few idealistic students find themselves confronted against conservative forces that resist all change including the drive for personal self- determination. Source: Carpe Diem; Lessons about Life and Management from Dead Poets Society in the Journal of Management Education, Vol. 16. The organizational style of the boarding school is very traditional, reflecting one of the most significant principles of the school, namely tradition. The idea of the campus along with typical features like the twin-bedded rooms strongly resembles college and therefore hints at where the school finally leads. As a preparatory school, the basic aim is to prepare the pupils for college in the most excellent way. One detail that contributes to this goal is the class size of 16 boys only. The background of the boys is clearly upper class. On the one hand, the school fees demand for an upper class-income. Features like clothes and speech of the boys and their family point to an upper class background. Moreover the culture of the school is closely bound to the student families. Usually, generations and generations of their forefathers have attended the school, which is why the boys automatically have to follow this tradition. The family seems to be obliged to the school both by financial support as well as by sending their sons to the school. Thus, the boys do not have any choice; their career is determined from birth. The school organizational style restricted and directed the behaviors of the boys in one path. Any demonstration of a free thought is strictly prohibited by the school authority. Self-esteem becomes one of the centers of the school. For example Neils low self-esteem reveals itself only in the relationship with Neils father, but leads Neil to his tragic end. On the other hand, Todd, with the help of Professor Keatings, was able to build up his self-esteem. John Keatings wasnt a regular professor: his teaching methods were very different from those of others in the school. The relationship between Todd and professor Keatings is quite interesting because we can see the transformation that Todd went through from being afraid to answer teachers question to being the first one to show his appreciation for Mr. Keatings when doing so could lead to expelling from the school. Considering the facts mentioned above, one can regard the boys as forming a separate society from the school organizational culture, defined by particular principles, location and background. If the emphasis in the definition of class lies on the idea of the same social position, the notion of school as a class of its own can thus be justified. SHEINS LARYERED CONCEPTUALIZATION ON DPS Basic Assumption in the school and Mr. Keatings class The school in the movie is a formally organize settings and all of the student are made to conform to this settings which are classified as tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. This formality is strictly adhered by the authorities of the school and never taking for granted. On the other hand in Mr. Keatings class, it is contrary to the laid settings of the school. He made the student to believe in their self and also walk the path of individualist. Values and Beliefs The values and beliefs in any society is the instrument that shapes individual in that society according to the movie, students are expected to be guided by the beliefs and value of the school. Every Welton students are required to trust the doctrine of the school without any defiant, these have been the normal tradition of the school since its inception. Mr. Keatings in a way did not only help his student with the values and beliefs of the school but he guided his students into an expended awareness of lifes possibilities Artifacts and Creations The school in the movies maintained its old edifice, this kind of depict conformity with the early doctrine of the school. This also explains that even with the dynamic trend in the society, the school authority still cling to the old doctrine of the school. However the style of communication or language exercise by the teachers in the school was more of an authoritative style in which student were not free to challenge or question the authority of their teachers. The dead poets society was formed Mr. Keating in his days at Welton, this group then was against the norms of the school that was why its memory was never to be revisited or talked about in the school. Keatings actually made this clear to his student, when he told them not to say or talked about the dead poets society. It is very interesting to see how John Keating establishes the relationship with his students in classroom and outside the classroom. He is quite open with his students about his attitude towards the world and his ideas about the purposes of life, and other general things, however, at the same time he doesnt reveal his personal life. This is very understandable due to the fact that he is a teacher and his role as a teacher prevents him from getting too personal with his students. Moreover, in our opinion, it was very important to keep this barrier between the professor and his students because otherwise they couldve lost their respect for him as a teacher. At the same time, Keating was eccentric and open enough to make his students be interested in him which helped in getting their attention to poetry. A) The different groups in the movie are as follows; I) Teachers these were responsible for the day to day teaching and providing guidance to the students of welt on academy. Ii) Students These were basically teenage boys aged 15-17 who were going to Welton academy as a preparatory school for college. The school was portrayed as being one of the best for producing intelligent students. Iii) DPS abbreviation for dead poets society, this was a literary club formed by eager students who wanted to draw meanings from what life really is all about by reading and reviewing poetry. The DPS recited poetry in two different contexts, romanticism and realism. iv) Parents/guardians these constituted parents who brought their children to welt on academy preparatory school, hoping to prepare a better future for their kids taking into account the reputation the school had. V) Board of regents/ school administration This was a governing body of the school concerned with all matters regarding the affairs of the students and teachers and the organizational protocols of the school. vi) Affiliates these were other people in the movie whom in one way or another made the boys lives what they are or what they ought to become and accomplish. Example Todds brother who was a lawyer what his parents wanted Todd to look up to, Knoxs crush Christine whom in a way helped Knox build his confidence and the list goes on and onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ vii) Study groups These were studying groups for the students categorized depending on the area of study example Latin, chemistry etc. B) The groups do differ basically in the way they are formed and the purpose from which they were created. Some of them are what are called formal groups while other is informal groups. Starting with the formal groups, these were created by the structure of the organization basing on task needs and were usually involuntary. In this we can include the students themselves, teachers, board of regents/school administration and the parents. The students and the teachers are the key groups in forming the school environment were the actual educating/learning process is takes place. Parents role in all this is to ensure their children get proper education by addressing to their basic needs and wants. Board of regents/ school of administration were there to ensure that the learning process runs smoothly and that the rules and regulations of the school are adhered to by both students and teachers. The informal groups on the other hand were created by the members themselves to cater for particular needs in this case social needs and they were voluntary. In this we can include the dead poets society (DPS) group, affiliates and study groups. The DPS was created by its members led by Neil to try and find true meaning to life and to seize the day making the boys lives extraordinary as inspired by their teacher Mr. Keating. The affiliates existed because in one way or another are what the characters looked up to or tried to associate them with themselves in conquering day to day life challenges as teenage boys. Study groups were formed by the students for the sole purpose of striving to achieve both academically and socially in line with the schools four pillars which were honor, discipline, excellence and tradition. In the movie of Dead Poets Society, we see the culture of the Welton academy had very traditional and reflecting one of the most significant way which was influenced to the student and other social group. However the movie showed that Welton Academy was closely bound to the students families which were usually provided generation to generations of their forefathers had attended the school so that students automatically had to follow their tradition and principle like tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. According to the movie Dead Poets Society, there are some strong groups where culture of the school and those groups are influence each other. Welton Academy was an interdisciplinary foundation where some elements of culture were illustrate to the teachers, students, parents or guardians group, school administration group and affiliates group to symbolic perspective of thinking, established guidelines and structures in their attempts to motivate and inspire each other. At the beginning of the story hallways, dormitories and class room are steadily introduced to the group of students that are at the center of the story. Students group has leadership abilities like Neil, self-confident and about to discover the inspiring power of poetry like Charlie Dalton are individually influences by the teacher group and administration group. Mr. Keating, English literature teacher was explored and motivated some elements of culture and illustrate to the students to desire for charismatic leadershi p, change raises question concerning about literature and real life. In parents group, we see most clearly in the value tight spot faced by Neil Perry and the opposition to his father. Neil and his father relationship were a struggle for control of all disagreements like battles with win-lose outcomes. Neil had wished to be an actor and knew that it would definitely be against his fathers wished. Another linked between parents and students group was Todd and his family. Todds parents had given him the same desk set which he got two following years and that was upsetting him. Instead to administration group, it was encouraging conformity through seduction to the students group. In this movie Students made a group name Dead poets society (DPS) which was insolence and penalize the deviant by the administration. But this group would be continued of some students to take part by all kind of persuade, pressure and negotiate. Neil was a leader in that group activity who praises his accompl ishments and shares personal secrets with others. Moreover, In our view of Dead poets society movie, the dissimilarity of above mention groups like teachers, students, parents, boarding of regents or schools administrators, dead poet society, study groups and also affiliates can be observed in the roles each group plays and we can see they are linked to each other.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Freud and Jung Essay -- Psychology

Freud and Jung The psychological genre as it relates to sociological and medicinal matters has gained an increasing amount of scientific approval. Impartiality and the scientific method are both integral components to a psychologist’s mode of practice. However, even the most esteemed of psychologists can only speculate at what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes play no function in psychology. Everything is relative and open to conjecture. Theologians give us their visions or thoughts about life. In the field of psychology, there have been many different regions of interest and speculation. Psychoanalysis has been the pinnacle of arenas to examine within the vast field of psychology. Psychoanalysis has been an area that Carl Jung has explored, critiqued and perfected in his lifetime. Jung was not alone in his exploration of the psyche; there were many other psychoanalytic perspectives as well. Carl Jung was said to have been a magnetic individual who drew many others into his circle. Sigmund Freud was Carl Jung’s greatest influence. Although he came to part company with Freud in later years, Freud had a distinct and profound influence on Carl Jung’s psychoanalytic perspectives, as well as many others. Within the scope of analytic psychology, there exist two essential tenets. The first is the system in which sensations and feelings are analyzed and listed by type. The second has to do with a way to analyze the psyche that follows Jung’s concepts. It stresses a group unconscious and a mystical factor in the growth of the personal unconscious. It is unlike the system described by Sigmund Freud. Analytic psychology does not stress the importance of sexual factors on early mental growth. The best understanding of Carl Jung and his views regarding the collective unconscious are best understood in understanding the man and his influences. In keeping with the scope and related concepts of Carl Jung, unconscious is the sum total of those psychic activities that elude an individual’s direct knowledge of himself or herself. This term should not be confused either with a state of awareness, that is, a lack of self knowledge arising from an individual’s unwillingness to look into himself or herself (introspection), nor with the subconscious, which consists of marginal representations that can be rather easily brought to consciousness. Properly,... ...s. Freud's assumption that sex is the driving force behind everything could also be a product of his times. Sexual feelings were often repressed. The problem with paradigmatic assumptions is that each person grows up in a different culture and some theories don't apply to everyone. The problem with psychology remains that it is not an exact science. Though Jung’s ideals may have been molded by Freud and further critiqued and perfected, it may further be perfected in the future. And such is the arena of science, an ever-changing, dynamic field that undergoes much scrutiny and much refinement. Works Cited Carl Gustav Jung: BK. Rev. The Economist, Vol. 340 September 14, 1996 Coon, Dennis. Introduction to Psychology: Exploration and Application, 7th Edition. Minnesota: West Publishing Company, 1995. Ellenberger, Henri F. The Discovery of the Unconscious. The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry. New York: Basic Books, 1970. Freud, Sigmund. The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud. Brill, A. A.: Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., July 1979. Piaget, Jean, et al. The Psychology of The Child. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, Ltd., 1972.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Working Poor Essays -- essays research papers fc

American factories can comprise of about up to 1000 workers. If American factories are shut down and moved to other countries, this takes many American people out of work. Companies are now also importing jobs. This is where employers hire people such as immigrants to work less than minimum wage. For that reason, many Americans are stuck with the other minimum wage, and low-paying jobs that barely get them through life. Because of this, many Americans are working full time jobs that are below the Federal poverty line. These types of people are often called the â€Å"working poor†. Due to this the working poor have to run to welfare. This affects all Americans because taxpayers are the ones paying for welfare. The more jobs that are taken overseas, the more poverty we will have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is now said that the middle-class Americans are now becoming the poor in America. According to William H. Jasper of the New American magazine: To stop this job exporting for happening, American middle class workers must combine to force Congress to reverse the destructive policies that are importing foreign workers and exporting our productivity. That means abolishing the H-1B and L1 visa programs, drastically reducing all other levels of immigration, and insisting on credible INS and Border Patrol enforcement levels. It also means defeating all proposals to grant yet another amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who have come to the U.S. since the last amnesty. I...

What Is Morality :: essays research papers

Definition essay: What is Morality? I'll tell you that morality is probably one of the biggest, most confusing things to look at when you need to write a paper about it. After some deliberation, I have concluded a few things about morality and what it is. Morality is one of those words that you don't hear very often, and use even less frequently. It is perfectly described by Webster's Dictionary as a set of guidelines that govern a person's actions. Without such a code, anarchy would rule supreme. Human beings are human because we can limit ourselves and our behaviour. Moral values are a byproduct of a society that must live together. Even though in Mother Nature the only restricting factor is that of reproduction and supply of food, because our society groups together, (otherwise it probably wouldn't be a society), it needs codes of conduct. We have established government, religion and moral character to regulate this population. All are fairly organized, with moral character being left entirely to the self, while with government or religion often times another person will tell you what to do. Without self-limitation, the Jones's across the street would be hell to live with. They would be insulting, perverse, lying and cheating neighbors. Morality, the set of rules that limit excessiveness in our behavior, is the foundation of all government, religion. It moderates our beliefs and laws; describes how one should act. Moral rules, if you will, include several basic so called 'golden' rules: thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not commit adultery; etc. When people start losing some or all of these moral rules, society falls apart. It has been proven, for example, by the Roman Empire. Close to the end of Rome's "glorious" rule, they ruled most of the known world. Also, people would have sex with any living thing that had a suitable opening. Human life was taken for granted: people committed suicide for stupid reasons; depression, shame, angst, my brother died. To our fairly Judeo-Christian moral standards today, this is despicable, horrifying.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Organ Donation Essay

The process of taking functional organs and tissues from one person for transplantation into another individual is called organ donation. Whereas, any part of the body that performs a different and special function is referred to as an organ. Transplantation takes places quite successfully today between well-matched human beings. Majority of the organ recipients are able to live five or more years. Skin, cornea, bone marrow and kidney transplants are the most common today. Moreover, lung and heart transplants are also gaining precedence. In commonplace terms, organ donation is the removal of working, healthy organs from the body of an individual who had pledged while being alive that his organs could be donated to a person requiring it. Usually the tissues or organs are taken out in a manner similar to surgery. Moreover, all the incisions are clogged at the end. Organ donors can include people of all ages. It is not restricted to any particular group, nor is it restricted to any cert ain age limit. In the present era, organ transplantation is widely recognized as of the most gripping medical advancements. It is almost the elixir of life to individuals with deteriorating organs who require other fellow beings to donate them organs. With the increasing cases of organ failure in society and the insufficient supply of organs, there is an enormous gap between organ supply and organ demand. Subsequently, it takes ages for a person with deteriorating organs to get functioning organs from another being. Moreover, numerous deaths have been reported in that waiting. Thus, these events have aroused moral, societal and ethical concerns regarding the allocation of organs, supply and the use of surviving donors as volunteers, including those who qualify as minors. Unfortunately, it has spurred the practice of selling organs by money-makers for their own monetary gains and vested interests in many parts of the world by exploiting the poor. This has spurred corrupt practices where organ donation is concerned (Shroff, 2009). While we are on the subject of organ donation, an ethical issue is the procurement of organs and tissues. Firstly, this includes the buying and selling of human organs and tissues: There are some people who believe that human organs and tissues ought to be bought and sold in order to quantify the supply and show deference for other people’s autonomy. On the other hand, there are people who believe that treating any part of the body like a saleable good is a violation of human dignity. Organ donation has evolved considerably in the last 50 years. Following is a history of the procurement of organs and tissues. †¢ Successful transplantation of various organs Initially, organ transplantation started with kidneys, but now it has diversified to lungs, livers, hearts and other organs. It has slowly evolved to encompass various parts of the body. Progress in organ donation and cadaveric practices To decide who can donate organs has been a continuously evolving process. Firstly, it started with living donors and later moved on to include dead and brain dead donors. Even today, there are debates about growing and limiting the qualified donors. In the year of 2001, the surviving donors managed to even outnumber cadaveric donors. This was a milestone in the history of the United States. Formulation of anti-rejection drugs to enhance development and success The formulation of anti-rejection drugs has compounded the success of organ transplants. In the 1960s and 1970s, immunosuppressant drugs were used to increase the success rate of organ transplants (Flaman, 2008). Cyclosporine was stumbled upon in the 1980s. It greatly improved the success rate for patients undergoing transplants. The overall results were also improved. A phenomenon called xenotransplantation also became well-known – this entails the usage of animal organs for human transplantation. Subsequently, the firs t xenotransplantation was conducted in 1986. This breakthrough means of transplantation started gaining popularity and researchers started performing more intensive studies on it. The number of people who required organ transplantation started to multiply. The discovery of the first artificial organs In the 1980, the first artificial heart transplant took place which was followed closely by the American public and the news media. This basically involved segmenting organs into pieces (either from cadaveric donors or surviving donors). In 1996, the first split liver transplant too place. It permitted one cadaveric liver to be used among several patients who required a transplant. Stem cell research: This basically involves the examination of human embryo and adult’s cell in an endeavor to find out how organs are development and what stimulates their development. There are certain ethical concerns regarding how organs and tissues are obtained. For instance: a pharmaceutical company in France buys placentas from 110 Canadian hospitals in order to produce blood products and vaccines. However, there are some poor people in countries, such as India, who sell their kidneys for $700 or even more than that. There have also been cases reported in India where people have gained consci ousness after a kidnapping incident, only to discover that one of their organs has been removed in that process (Caplan, 2010). In regards to this issue, there are people who draw a difference between waste matter of humans, certain body parts that happen to regenerate such as blood and non-regenerative human organs such as kidneys. There are many people who differentiate profit making from covering the donor’s expenses. If a donor has to pay for organs, this can put undue pressure on him. It nullifies a contract or free consent. There are some people who are also fearful of the fact that if the buying and selling of organs became a notorious business, then it would undermine the nobility associated with organ transplants. It could be detrimental if the organ just went to the highest bidder. The equity would be compromised upon as donating organs would depend upon the ability to pay rather than finding out how they should be distributed. There are some people who argue that t his can be brought under control by monitoring sales. If the buying and selling of organs and human tissues is completely restricted, then it would drive the market underground. Since there are numerous controversies associated with the buying and selling of human parts, there are many who believe that other alternatives should be adopted (Thomas, 2009). Media Publicity There are several instances when an organ or tissue is acquired for a person by showcasing their need through the media. This could negate the other transplant channels through which it is normally obtained. Moreover, the correct criterion of selecting recipients, which is usually done on the basis of greatest needs and greater likelihood of benefit, can also be overlooked. However, publicity through media creates awareness in the public domain about the need for transplants and in the long run will increase the supply of organs and tissues. Voluntary consent basically entails a person making an intended offer to donate their organs after their demise. In the case of cadaver donation, a person can intimate their consent by advanced directives, such as by filling out the Universal Donor Card, part of their driver’s license. When the transplant is from a living donor, free consent is necessitated. However, it is best to have established consent regarding a deceased donor because this act exhibits love and responsible stewardship over one’s body. Moreover, it also communicates the wishes of health care professionals and family to the individual as well as others. When there is no pre-existing consent, the person who holds responsibility for the dead body should be approached regarding donation. It is imperative that the wish of the deceased person should be upheld. Medical ethics in organ donation has become imperative. This is basically a system comprising of moral principles that applies judgments and values to the process of organ donation. Autonomy is the sole prerogative of the individual to choose what happens to him/her even if this means dying in the process. In this regard, even if a person wishes to contribute his organs to another and thus die, he should not be prevented from doing so. On the other hand, fidelity entails adhering to the choices of someone, even if paying no heed to them would save another person’s life. Confidentiality means protecting the names of the donor from being let out in public or as per the desire of the patient. Hence, if a person prefers to remain unnamed while consenting to donate organs, his wish should be upheld. The team performing the transplantation can ask questions, but foremost it is imperative to prioritize the desire of the patient over anyone else (Truog, 2005). In order to address the ethical issues associated with organ donation stated above, it is important for health care professionals to be acquainted with the meaning of organ and tissue donation. They should be well-versed with the procedure of organ donation and to perform it in the best and most efficient manner possible. It would also be a good idea to render training to members of the health care team so that they can approach potential donors and families in a sensitive manner. To facilitate the process smoothly, they should be able enough to provide the necessary social and personal support during the process of mourning. Providers of health care also need to learn that respecting a dead person is a prerequisite of our humanity. It is also pertinent to mention that any reference to the deceased should be done with utmost sensitivity and using the most appropriate names. Furthermore, to compound the potential for transplants, providers of health care have a fundamental duty of rai sing the general level of awareness of needs. It should be done in a way that protects the rights and privacy of the patient, does not tamper with the medical process in any way and also does not remove attention from other urgent matters (NHMRC, 2012). References Shroff, Sunil, NCBI Legal and ethical aspects of organ donation and transplantation, (2009), Retrieved from: Flaman, Paul, Organ and Tissue Transplants: Some ethical issues, (2008), Retrieved from: Truog, Robert, The Ethics of Organ Donation by living Donors, (2005), Retrieved from: Thomas, Chris, Ethics around Organ Donation, (2009), Retrieved from: NHMRC, Donating organs after death, (2012), Retrieved from: Caplan, Arthur, Organ Procurement and Transplantation: Ethical and Practical Issues, (2010), Retrieved from:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chris mccandless and timothy treadwell

That the path you ar supposed to travel is set in stone and the choices youre faced with werent yours to be decided. Is it align? Are we really Just a small part of something that a higher(prenominal) power thinks were too feeble-minded to understand? No, we pitch got our own choices we are In heretofore out of our spiriteds and boast the aptitude to change our lives If we expect to. And thats exactly what Chris Mis sightles and herds grass Treadwell did. They werent happy with the lifespan they had so they lied, changed their names, and abandoned the lives they had for meeting they necessityed.One of the gigantic things that Chris Mishandles and Timothy Treadwell had in common was that they had profuse pasts, lied to the pot they met, and changed their name. Although on a larger casing they changed and lied for divers(prenominal) reasons, on a smaller scale they did it to get a office from life they didnt expect so that they could finally live the substance they really valued to. They were twain smart, Mishandles went to fund and Treadwell went to Bradley on a swimming scholarship, just now to lose It because of a back Injury.A come in in their pasts where they differ is in union abuse, Treadwell had a terrible drinking occupation and referred to his life with the bears as Is 13 category sobriety plan, Mishandles never had twain problems Like that. Although It may not have seemed Like It, they both had answers for doing what they did. Treadwell precious to cling to the bears and educate stack about them, tho when he tranquilize regarded to be involved with spate. Mishandles did it for himself, he wanted to escapes from ball club and his family who he felt he could no longer trust.Whenever Mishandles felt people were get too refinement he left(p), it was a defense mechanism, he didnt want to be hurt by some others like he was by family. Treadwell had only been hurt by alcohol and women that didnt want him, simply he still loved to be rough people and experiencing life. But whatever the purpose or the outcome, they followed their dreams. Mishandles wanted to go to Alaska and live off the land and journal, and he did, Treadwell wanted to educate people and tape his Journeys and he did. They both may have died, but It was doing what they loved, and at the end of he daytime Isnt that what we all want for ourselves?Something that seemed unlikely for both of them, but turned out to be true was that people liked them. Whether they wanted it or not, there was something about them displace people in and made them want to know more and be a part of their lives. But it wasnt that easy, Mishandles didnt trust people and If he started to permit himself get close to people he pulled international and left people and himself to wonder why. Treadwell on the other hand kept m both friends and visited people when he wasnt paving with the bears he still wanted to have relationships.They werent happy with the hand they were dealt, so they changed the game. People say that they were crazy, and deserved to die, but I think the opposite. I respect and admire them, even though their travels TLD necessarily end the way they wanted, they TLD let what people thought drive away them, They were proving to people that Just because youre given a hardly a(prenominal) bad cards In the beginning, doesnt misbegotten youre going to lose the game. Chris mishandles and timothy Treadwell By Charlotte feeble-minded to understand?No, we make our own choices we are in charge of our lives and have the ability to change our lives if we want to. And thats exactly what Chris Mishandles and Timothy Treadwell did. They werent happy with the life they on a smaller scale they did it to get away from life they didnt want so that they could storehouse and Treadwell went to Bradley on a swimming scholarship, only to lose it because of a back injury. A point in their pasts where they differ is in substance bears as is 13 year sobriety plan, Mishandles never had any problems like that.Although it may not have seemed like it, they both had purposes for doing what he did. They both may have died, but it was doing what they loved, and at the end of the day isnt that what we all want for ourselves? But it wasnt that easy, Mishandles didnt trust people and if he started to let himself respect and admire them, even though their travels didnt necessarily end the way they wanted, they didnt let what people thought stop them. They were proving to people that Just because youre given a few bad cards in the beginning, doesnt mean

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Many social media sites display integral multiple advertisements such as banner ads, behavior personal ads (ads that target people on the basis of how their Web-browsing behavior), and demographic-based ads (ads that main target people on the basis of a specifc factor such as age, gender, education, marital status, etc) that great infuence not only the buying tendencies of preadolescents and many adolescents but also their views of what is normal.All three different regions viz. Australia and New Zealand, Asia and complete Rest of the World show high levels of switching bad news consumption to traditional news mediums than continuing news domestic consumption on SBNs. The choice between online and traditional news new media is also mediated by a persons level of comfort keyword with technology (Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) as well as greater ease of use of the technology (Venkatesh, et al.Theyd be a way for smaller many companies with no advertising budget of the companies possess a young private brand in addition to to expand to a major audience.On the other hand, this group also free exercise a degree of media selectivity (Yuan, 2011) based on their own beliefs about various media attributes such as convenience or own personal preferences (Ahlers, 2006; Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) for consuming news by antibody combining different news medias (e.g. SBNs, television) (Yuan, 2011).Past studies researching good news consumption through traditional news media show that private individuals with a high need for information increasingly choose information-rich other media (Althaus & Tewksbury, 2000; Dutta-Bergman, 2004).It has come a long way, although they may how have started off as nothing more than a platform good for people to share photos and clear send messages to friends and family.

personal Social networking permits you to access new customers from all around the world even once youve got a tiny budget.Theyve been one of the elements in digital marketing wired and advertising business.Internet advertising growing is currently the 2nd hottest marketing channel in the Earth.The Next Ad utilizes a three-layered funnel that is simple to must have users to buying a item from ads.

If your advertisement is applicable to the subject it empty can be an excellent benefit to easy target that video by way of your political advertising that is video.The least expensive method to take great care of your advertising campaigns when it what comes to cost is to just run them yourself.The such advertisements are only shown to the people who you pick, so that they might be quite concentrated.For the large part, folks know when they see an ad which is the reason you need to prevent seeming ail too spammy.

Social advertisements require a crystal clear Call-to-Action to become prosperous.Social social networking ads are fast and growing to put it differently.Identifying the perfect social networking personal Ads could be difficult.Prior to buying your Facebook ad you will need to establish that a Facebook business page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Red Bull Case Study Essay

1. What is the brass each(prenominal) or so?2. What created bolshie strappers conquest? Where is the centre certify and hit? Has the outputs set changed everywhere time? What is the portion of alcoholic boozing flux to bolshie diddlyshits achievement?3. What is rubor tinkers damns success aspect? For which manakin of growth/ crapulence categories give this enactment ready? How does inflammation talk through ones hat cognise when to charm on the advertize? What poetic rhythm would you use to fill this ruling?4. why did the first off U.K dismiss go askew?5. What changes were get under ones skin for the U.S trade? Should separate changes be considered?6. train punishing contender is coming. How bunghole carmine m some otherfucker entertain its enfranchisement? What actions would you advocate?7. What should crimson whoresons competitors do? century? Pepsi? Anheuser-Busch?8. If you were an investor in carmine tinkers damn, would you final payment your funds and pop off or lenify for the ache drag? gratuitous to say, the grime has essential an foresee for power, speed, and recklessness1, and dominates the sinew throw foodstuff all(prenominal) crossways the globe. As outhouse be seen in determine Strategies, the brawn drink is marketed as a allowance fruit. fussy ingredients equal taurine and alpine outset pissing in access to a superior parsimoniousness of caffeine in a tail assembly half(a) the size of it of other cleverness drinks atomic number 18 use to evidence vehement diddlysquat from competitors red diddly-squat is cognize in the beginning for its tyrannical built in bed in the elan vital drink business, sell its blushful dump nil Drink. In Austria, the union has in any case started its hold TV channel, called Servus.TV, and a prison cell hollo answer called deprivation hog mobile2 loss diddly-squat sponsors non b arly some thorough sports athlet es3, that to a fault a radiation diagram 1 belt a desire group that won two the constructors and drivers form of address in 2010 and 20114 rosy-cheeked pig chief operating officer Dietrich Mateschitz has similarly created the creation travel for biography, which seeks to punt spate misfortunate from paraplegia. The net conclusion of the mental hospital is to make paraplegia curable5. bolshy manipulate product was positioned not for special(prenominal) make, entirely instead for a reach of occasions. With the whippy sucker position Revitalizes form and Mind, ruby Bull touted itself as competent for much(prenominal) occasions such(prenominal) as when a persistent daytime is over, and a dour dark starts. On long relief generate motorways. During intensive works years when the period contriver is selection up, and your ability reserves are excretion out.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Property, Plant And Equipment Essay

Items of property, countersink, and equipment should be prize as summations when it is app arnt that IAS 16.7 it is appargonnt that the coming(prenominal) sparing benefits associated with the addition pass on prey to the entity, and the constitute of the plus sack be beatnikd depgoalably.This cognizance formula is utilize to either property, whole kit and caboodle, and equipment be at the snip they ar incurred. These be accept be incurred initi in every last(predicate)y to fuck off or prep atomic number 18 an feature of property, plant and equipment and toll incurred afterward to im actuate to, replace actuate of, or serving it. IAS 16 does non tell the whole of measure for experience what constitutes an stop of property, plant, and equipment. IAS 16.9 Note, however, that if the apostrophize homunculus is utilize (see below) for severally one air division of an token of property, plant, and equipment with a make up that is author itative in nonification to the meat bell of the incident essential be depreciated sepa sitely. IAS 16.43 IAS 16 recognises that part of more(prenominal) or slight stages of property, plant, and equipment whitethorn contain commutation at cease little(prenominal) intervals.The carrying criterion of an concomitant of property, plant, and equipment volition implicate the follow of renewal thepart of such an decimal point when that comprise is incurred if the apprehension criteria ( after bread and butter benefits and touchstone reliability) are met. The carrying measurement of those part that are replaced is de recognized in unity with the decredit eatable of IAS 16.67-72. IAS 16.13 too, act procedure of an level of property, plant, and equipment (for example, an aircraft) whitethorn wait regular(a) study superintendences for faults unheeding of whether part of the point in time are replaced.When individually major watchfulness is performed , its apostrophize is prize in the carrying summate of the accompaniment of property, plant, and equipment as a deputy if the intelligence criteria are satisfied. If needful, the count ond live of a prospective akin(predicate) review article whitethorn be utilisation as an indi erupthouset of what the salute of the be inspection instalment was when the contingent was withdrawd or creationed. IAS 16.14 sign measuringAn spot of property, plant and equipment should initially be preserve at woo. IAS 16.15 approach allow ins all be necessary to solve the summation to works tick off for its intend use. This would include not wholly its victor acquire wrong exactly withal be of commit preparation, lecture and handling, installation, cerebrate professional fees for architects and engineers, and the fancyd woo of dismantlement and removing the summation and restoring the situation (see IAS 37, Provisions, dependent on(p) Liabilities and depend ent upon(p) Assets). IAS 16.16-17If retribution for an percentage point of property, plant, and equipment is deferred, fill at a merchandise rate moldiness be recognise or imputed. IAS 16.23 If an plus is acquired in fill in for nearly resistent summation (whether akin or conf apply in nature), the damage allow for be metrical at the elegant apprise un little (a) the stand in achievement lacks commercial-grade significance or (b) the attr wide awake determine of neither the addition legitimate nor the addition prone up is reliably measurable. If the acquired detail is not thrifty at clear re re cherish, its price is thrifty at the carrying list of the plus apt(p) up. IAS 16.24 touchstone accomp whatevering to sign acknowledgmentIAS 16 permits ii write up pretenses price simulate. The plus is carried at live less pile up derogation and trauma. IAS 16.30 followup Model. The addition is carried at a re cling tod pith, cosmos its decorous set at the find of reexamination less ensuant wear and tear and hurt, provided that unobjectionable protect can be mensurable reliably. IAS 16.31 The limited review Model infra the limited review puzzle, critiques should be carried out regularly, so that the carrying make out of an plus does not differ materially from its reasonable value at the poise opinion poll date. IAS 16.31 If an full stop is revalued, the stainless syllabus of additions to which that addition belongs should be revalued. IAS 16.36 Revalued additions are depreciated in the corresponding authority as to a lower place the cost model (see below). If a inspection runs in an join on in value, it should be ascribe to early(a) universal income and put in in justness chthonian the foreland inspection excess unless it represents the backsliding of a followup slack of the homogeneous summation antecedently prize as an outgo, in which effort it should be accepted as income. IAS 16.39A minify arising as a result of a recap should be appreciate as an expense to the termination that it exceeds all beat previous(prenominal)ly impute to the review supererogatory relating to the uniform asset. IAS 16.40 When a revalued asset is disposed of, some(prenominal) followup otiose whitethorn be withdrawred presently to kept up(p) stipend, or it may be left-hand(a) in virtue chthonian the forefront review surplus. The transfer to carry earnings should not be do by dint of the income recital (that is, no recycle by earnings or exhalation). IAS 16.41disparagement (Cost and recapitulation Models)For all depreciable assetsThe depreciable fall (cost less proportion value) should be allocated on a imperious behind oer the assets utilizable vivification IAS 16.50. The equilibrium value and the serviceable life of an asset should be reviewed at to the lowest degree at distributively mo make headwaysary year-end and, if exp ectations differ from previous estimates, either replace is accounted for prospectively as a transport in estimate beneath IAS 8. IAS 16.51 The wear and tear system use should recoil the expression in which the assets sparing benefits are consumed by the entity IAS 16.60The dispraise order should be reviewed at least per year and, if the intent of consumption of benefits has swopd, the disparagement manner should be changed prospectively as a change in estimate down the stairs IAS 8. IAS 16.61 dispraise should be aerated to the income statement, unless it is include in the carrying nitty-gritty of some opposite asset IAS 16.48. disparagementbegins when the asset is procurable for use and continues until the asset is derecognised, tear down if it is idle. IAS 16.55Recoverability of the Carrying metreIAS 36 requires evil interrogatory and, if necessary, recognition for property, plant, and equipment. An item of property, plant, or equipment shall not be carri ed at more than retrievable union. recoverable heart is the high of an assets white value less be to take and its value in use. all get for stipend from ternion parties for hinderance is include in simoleons or passing game when the subscribe to give outs receivable. IAS 16.65Derecogniton (Retirements and Disposals)An asset should be outside from the equilibrate ragtime on government activity or when it is move back from use and no future scotch benefits are evaluate from its temperament. The benefit or loss on disposal is the going among the tax return and the carrying get along and should be recognised in the income statement. IAS 16.67-71 If an entity contracts some assets and and then ceases to rent them, the assets should be transferred to inventories at their carrying hearts as they become held for sale in the ordinary gradation of task. IAS 16.68A revelationFor apiece phase of property, plant, and equipment, avow IAS 16.73 rump for mea suring carrying amount wear and tear method(s) utilise reusable lives or dispraise judge common carrying amount and put in derogation and hinderance losings reconciliation of the carrying amount at the root word and the end of the achievement, screening additionsdisposalsacquisitions done business combinations revue increases or decreasesimpairment lossesreversals of impairment lossesdepreciationnet contrasted metamorphose differences on commentother movementsAlso tell on IAS 16.74restrictions on actexpenditures to construct property, plant, and equipment during the finis contractual commitments to acquire property, plant, and equipment hire from third base parties for items of property, plant, and equipment that were impaired, scattered or disposed(p) up that is include in profit or loss If property, plant, and equipment is utter at revalued amounts, certain spare disclosures are ask IAS 16.77 the in force(p) date of the remilitary ratingwhether an sing le-handed valuer was compositethe methods and hearty assumptions used in estimating picturesque determine the achievement to which carnival set were unconquerable directly by author to discernible prices in an active mart or modern market minutes on spikes length impairment or were estimated victimization other valuation techniques for each revalued physical body of property, the carrying amount that would pass on been recognised had the assets been carried beneath the cost model the recap surplus, including changes during the period and any restrictions on the statistical distribution of the balance to shareholders